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Chrome Extension for Recruiters

Mark LinkedIn profiles, collaborate with your team, track X-ray searches, generate Boolean strings, and say no more to repeated candidates!

How does it work?

It's all about saving your time and efficient sourcing!

Direct Search

Mark candidates' profiles and have full control over your sourcing process.

Leave notes and comments
Leave notes, comments, and action points for you and your team.
Assign to process
Categorize profiles and assign them to a specific process.
Assign to status
Mark profiles with statuses like "Screened", "Contacted", etc.

Team Collaboration

Invite your team and share all insights directly in the browser!

Social Profiles
Share all profile details with your team. No more repeated candidates!
X-ray search
See directly in the browser search engine which profiles were screened by your team!

X-ray search

Fast and efficient like never before!

Action buttons
All data about seen profiles directly in the browser engine!
Team collaboration support
Your team's notes are visible directly in the comprehensive popup!
Data oriented sourcing
Make fast decisions based on profile history! Don't screen the same profile twice!

Comprehensive Popup

Detailed history available in one click!

Who, why, and when? Detailed history visible after opening the popup.
Available for every profile.

Timestamp feature

Check when you last visited that profile.

Check when you last visited that profile.
All browsing data stays in your browser.

STS - sourcing tracking system

You track all applicants, right? What about tracking your sourcing?

Sourcing tracking system
All scanned profiles summarized in one place!
Full control over your sourcing
Invite team members, adjust statuses, processes, and many more!

ATS Integrated Directly in Your Browser!

Designed for all sourcers working with social media and search engines.

Mark Profiles

Do not scan the same profile twice! Mark profiles with statuses and save your time.

Collaborate with your team

Invite your team and share all profiles insights directly in the browser!

Customize your pipeline

Adjust dotLinker to your unique sourcing process.

Manage ongoing processes

Categorize profiles and assign them to ongoing processes.

Boost your X-ray search

Make quick decisions based on profile history. Don't screen the same profile twice!

Sourcing Tracking System

All scanned profiles summarized in one place!

Detailed candidate history

Who, why, and when? Detailed history visible after opening the popup.


Check when you last visited that profile.

Protect your data

All browsing data stays in your browser.


What Our Users Are Saying?

A very powerful tool. It's not the traditional ATS you usually find on the market, but rather a tool that makes it incredibly easy to find candidates you’ve previously been in contact with. I have a habit of connecting with people on LinkedIn who are open to work and staying in touch with them, so I see dotLinker as a great help when a new project comes up for these individuals.
Nicole Kowol

Nicole Kowol

IT Recruiter at SoftyLabs

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Linkedin® is a registered trademark of Linkedin Corporation. dotLinker is not affiliated with Linkedin Corporation.